Venue Seating

During the game only carded players and up to three coaches/managers are allowed to be on the team bench touchline/sideline. Anyone in this bench area must be listed as a member on the Official Roster. The only exceptions are the allowed (three) pass players which must possess their current primary team card and the one person who holds a Club Official pass card (still a maximum of three adults) and be listed on the Game Report Sheet.

As designated by MSYSA Rule 4.12 and WMYSA Rule F.5, for all sanctioned league games, parents and spectators must take the same touchline as their respective teams. Neither may cross the centerline during the game. Home teams have choice of preferred touchlines.

Venues with field exemptions:

  • Force Soccer Complex:  All fields, spectators take the same touchline opposite team benches.
  • Portage Soccer Complex:  U11 and above games:  and above spectators take the touchline closest to the paved center walkway opposite the team benches.
  • St. Joe Kickers Complex: All fields, spectators take the same touchline opposite the team benches.

Venue Addresses & Field Maps

Field NameClubAddress
Force Soccer ClubForce SC1033 106th Ave, Plainwell, MI 49080
Franks ParkSturgis FC1593 S. Lakeview St, Sturgis, MI 49091
Kalamazoo Soccer ComplexKalamazoo SC
Red Arrow SC
TKO Premier SC
901 S. Drake Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Kingdom Indoor CenterKingdom SC8151 Merchant Pl, Portage, MI 49002
Kohn/LehmannSWM Kickers6161 Cleveland Ave, Stevensville, MI 49127
Marshall Soccer ComplexColdwater United FC
Marshall SC
15750 Verona Road, Marshall, MI 49068
Portage Soccer ComplexPortage SC4422 Bishop Rd, Portage, MI 49002
River Oaks County ParkBC Fire SC
Kingdom SC
River Oaks AYSO
9202 E Michigan Ave, Galesburg, MI 49053
River ParkAthletic Jaier638 Zollar Dr, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Riverside ElementaryBC Fire SC650 Riverside Dr, Battle Creek, MI 49015
St Joe KickersSWM Kickers2601 Hetler Dr, St. Joseph, MI 49085